Welcome! If you’re in the public sector and curious about Generative AI, you’ve landed in the right spot. This guide caters to a broad audience—whether you’re in leadership, tech, or on-the-ground operations, there’s something here for you.

Your Voice Matters: If you find a valuable resource or think a topic deserves attention, let me know. This guide is a group project, bettered by the collective wisdom of our public-sector community.

What’s New?: The guide is a living document. It evolves with your feedback and as new information comes in. Expect my commentary, links to top-notch content, and some original pieces to guide you on your Generative AI journey. So, keep an eye out for updates.

What’s Inside?

  • Introduction to Generative AI: Understand the basics and why it matters to your work.

  • Policy & Strategy: Cut through the red tape and integrate AI successfully.

  • Responsible AI: Navigate the ethical maze of using AI in public work.

  • For the CIO & IT Leaders: From data to vendors, know what your tech team should focus on.

  • For the Mission Owner: Learn how to identify and seize AI opportunities.

  • For the Developer: From tools to best practices, get the know-how you need.

  • Foundation Models: Understand the backbone models driving AI solutions.

  • Partners & Solutions: Spotlight on System Integrators, Consultants, and ready-to-go solutions.

  • Case Studies & Success Stories: Real-world tales and tips for your benefit.

  • FAQs & Resources: Get quick answers and dive deeper if you want to.

How to Use This Guide

  • Navigate: Use the sidebar to jump to topics and subtopics that interest you.
  • Read: I’ve added my two cents and linked out to other useful stuff.
  • Engage: Got a question? Reach out. Your insights make this guide better.
  • Share: Pass along helpful info to teammates or your wider network.
  • Bookmark: Things change. Keep this page handy for the latest insights and updates.